By: Connie J..., June 17, 2024
...even when life gives you things you don't want to do. One Example: If you want to be able to afford the things you want, or need in life; you should really have a job - or some steady form of income.
Now - there are different choices to be made, regarding this income (judgement-free-zone); however, there are "healthier" ways to go about this - but, you ARE free to make these choices (even if it doesn't feel like it).
When you factor in a Domestic Violence situation, and children, etc, the choices seem to become narrower; but there are still healthy choices that can be made, regardless of how "scary" it may look.
It's often hard to see the "Big Picture" from that particular angle; but you must keep on the narrower path of the healthier choices. If you fall, step off or are even "knocked" off of this path; remember where you were when you began your "Healthier Choices Journey". You may have a few "backward steps"; but you're not where you started, you're usually where you left off.
Overall, those healthier paths WILL lead you to a "better place".
It really IS all about the choices you make every single day of your life - everything starts with a single step - are you ready??!
Thank you, and have a good day, and be safe... #ENDtheSILENCEofVIOLENCE #dviseverywhere #domesticviolence #growin2024 #awareness #protectyourself #besafe #choices #bigpicture #steps
*October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this post, no matter what month it is, to help get the word out. The Victim has to make the choice - but, "What If..." they read something you sent them, and it just "clicks"?
*I would love the opportunity to share YOUR ideas in a Blog post. Please send them to Connie J... -; or through Ozer email,
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