By: Connie J..., July 31, 2023
...what are you going to do about it? (This topic was suggested by Daryl, based on the previous post, "Waiting...")
These days everybody is in the pursuit of...something; be it a family, home, car, peace, happiness - a plethora of things.
But, as we attain these goals - are we satisfied? How often do they end up completing our desire for more? Actually making us able to live happy, forever?
I'm going to be bold, and say not ever.
I think our lives are designed to be a pursuit - but as we attain each goal, we need to learn to live in that moment. THAT'S the caveat - where people tend to not necessarily "get it right".
I'm not saying they're wrong, per se; but if you're ALWAYS striving for that "gold ring", and NEVER living in your moment - how exhausting and unsatisfactory does that make your life seem? It will definitely begin to weigh on you. With all the craziness in just living day-to-day, why do we need to add more stress to our lives?
Now, I am NOT saying you should "settle" if you're in a Domestic Violence situation, especially; but if you decide to make changes, there will be a cost. But, I believe, in the long run, those costs will be worth it.
You, as the Victim, are the only one that can make those choices. You will have to decide, "What are you going to do about it?" "Can I live with the choices I am faced with?" "What if I do NOT make the changes I need, soon?"
There are all these questions, and many more - probably more questions, than answers; but still decisions to be made. But the bottom line is, "what ARE you going to do about it "?
Thank you, and have a good day, and be safe...
#oneinfour #ithappenstomentoo #dviseverywhere #domesticviolence
*October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this post, no matter what month it is, to help get the word out. The Victim has to make the choice - but, "What If..." they read something you sent them, and it just "clicks"?
*I would love the opportunity to share YOUR ideas in a Blog post. Please send them to Connie J... -; or through Ozer email,
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