By: Connie J..., February 24, 2025
...with all of this chaos in my life??! While I THOUGHT I thrived in it - it was slowly, and methodically, eating me alive.
This was one of THE HARDEST lessons for me to learn.
I'm an extremely deep thinker; and I feel things to my very core. Every single thought in my head was screaming to be heard, at once; and I was in such all-consuming, emotional pain. Gratitude was THE FURTHEST thing from my mind!!!
While on one of my "anger/confused" rants, (that had kind of become "my thing"), my friend grabbed both sides of my face in her hands, and said, "WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR??!" (Hysterically, she was literally across the country, and we were on the phone - but this is my story, and I'm sticking to it!!!)
It caught my attention, and stopped my rant dead in it's tracks; thus beginning my "grateful sojourn".
While I don't remember what I answered; it did the trick - knocked my rant right off its' axis!!!
You can listen to what people say, advice, etc, for years - but then one day, something someone says will just "CLICK" that switch inside you; and your whole life will change.
Are you ready to have YOUR "switch" clicked? Are you exhausted from all that internal chaos consuming you, day by day?
True change begins inside you - I encourage you, as soon as your eyes open (or even before), to think of ONE thing you can be grateful for, in your life.
It doesn't mean your life will necessarily change, in that instant; but what have you got to lose? Just start - and see what happens...
Thank you, have a good day and be safe... #beaware #growinto2025 ##domesticviolenceiseverywhere #ENDtheSILENCEofVIOLENCE #isityou
everybodyknowsomebody #besafe
***October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this post, no matter what month it is, to help get the word out. The Victim has to make the choice - but, "What If..." they read something you sent them, and it just "clicks"?***
*I would love the opportunity to share YOUR ideas in a Blog post. Please send them to Connie J... -; or through Ozer email,
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