By: Connie J..., March 3, 2025
...wrong time. Ever been there??!
My thought process for this - I was 20, at a gas station putting air in my tires. I had just filled both on the driver's side, as a car pulled up on the passenger side, really close - where I happened to be standing. There was plenty of room for me to stand there, safely, until they backed out - or so I thought!!!
While backing out, they turned their wheel too sharply - knocking me to the ground, and scraping the entire side of my car!!! They, quickly pulled back in, while I was getting to my feet, and asked if I was ok. I said, "Yes"; and let them leave. I was basically in shock, right??!
While I AM very happy I wasn't crouched down, filling a tire, at that moment, and it WAS an older car (my Mother called it "The Bronze Bomber"; so comparing before/after, damage was honestly minimal), AND I wasn't hurt - I still wish so many things:
- they hadn't scraped my car
- I had been on other side, so not knocked down
- had maybe seen about their insurance info, etc, but I didn't - maybe held them accountable?
- I had taken more time to CARE about MYSELF in that moment - they were a couple of kids; and I was more worried about them - even though I WAS THE ONE LAYING ON THE GROUND...sitting here, right now - I can recall so many situations with me having the same type of reaction, throughout my life!!!
Have you ever had a similar type of situation happen to you?
With Domestic Violence, you often don't know when your partner is going to go off. They seem to let the "big things" go; but blow up at the tiniest situations.
Hmmmmm...insightful moment - that explains it - I grew up in that environment, and learned it very well, apparently. Wow!!! I knew I was a "recovering rage-aholic"; just hadn't looked at that situation from this perspective. Live and learn, right??! Let's GROW!!!
Thank you, have a good day and be safe... #beaware #growinto2025 ##domesticviolenceiseverywhere #ENDtheSILENCEofVIOLENCE #isityou
everybodyknowsomebody #besafe
***October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this post, no matter what month it is, to help get the word out. The Victim has to make the choice - but, "What If..." they read something you sent them, and it just "clicks"?***
*I would love the opportunity to share YOUR ideas in a Blog post. Please send them to Connie J... -; or through Ozer email,
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