By: Connie J..., December 23, 2022
As children, many of us are encouraged to make wishes on eyelashes, falling stars, dandelion poofs, etc. Christmas, also, is a time for wishing and believing.
Many children, especially those who are or have been sexually abused and/or exploited, or those trapped in Domestic Violence situations, learned early-on that many childhood wishes just don’t come true the way they want them to.
These children generally grow into adults that don’t believe anything remotely positive can come their direction. Their relationships suffer, they feel they will NEVER get anywhere in life – because they don’t deserve any better. They’re just so down-trodden.
This Christmas, I ask you to notice those people – now, don’t get caught up in their negativity; but see if you can help them see ONE positive thing in their life. Maybe it’s someone you dread seeing at every family gathering – “Uncle Sourpuss”, or “Cousin Never-has-anything-nice-to-say-to-ANYONE” – start thinking about it now, and go to that dinner determined to TRY and make a difference. (They may not make a transformation before your eyes; but maybe, just maybe, change may come.) If they choose NOT to change, you did your part, and can rest well in that.
Then, the next day, or gathering (New Year’s Eve is next week – wink, wink) – try again, with someone else. “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” BE that spark for someone. Who knows, you may get to witness THEM being a “spark” for someone else, some day!!! How AMAZING would that be??!
Wishing you a safe Holiday… #oneinfour #ithappenstomentoo #dviseverywhere #domesticviolence
*October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this post, no matter what month it is, to help get the word out. The Victim has to make the choice – but, “What If…” they read something you sent them, and it just “clicks”?
*I share a “What If…” post, on the first post of every month, and I would love the opportunity to share YOUR “what ifs”.
Please send your “What If…” ideas to Connie J… –; or through Ozer, at the website, or email,
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