By: Connie J..., July 19, 2023
Do you realize exactly how small the rudder of a ship is, compared to the size of the vessel??!
Do you know you can live a healthier life by just making little changes, every day in what you eat, and how you move throughout your day??!
Do you realize if we ALL took time for ONE act of kindness, every day; the impact that would have on our entire world??!
Many people think they can only make a difference by "going big, or going home" - that's just a bunch of hooey!!!
Ever heard the phrase, "It only takes a spark to get a fire going"? Truth...think about it.
Subtle, little changes are what are going to make the biggest impact on your current life, to get you to the life you desire; and it IS possible - not necessarily easy, but possible.
Are you ready to see that difference? What have you got to lose, really? Choose you, and see what a real difference just THAT choice can make - add in a lil "you are worthwhile", and BOOM - just imagine. Now, put it into action...I encourage, and challenge you!!!
No matter your life situation - subtle changes CAN be your answer...
Thank you, have a good day, and be safe...
#oneinfour #ithappenstomentoo #dviseverywhere #domesticviolence
*October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this post, no matter what month it is, to help get the word out. The Victim has to make the choice - but, "What If..." they read something you sent them, and it just "clicks"?
*I share a "What If..." post, once a month, and I would love the opportunity to share YOUR "what ifs". Please send your "What If..." ideas to Connie J... -; or through Ozer -
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