By: Connie J..., June 29, 2023
Believe it, or not, NOT everyone has an evil plan to hurt you. Unfortunately, there ARE most likely a few “ne’er-do-wells” in your life.
Avoiding them is almost impossible; becoming their prey, IS TOTALLY avoidable, thanks to boundaries, and their proper implementation.
When you set a boundary – I, myself, see it kind of like an “electric fence”. You’re not really walled off – which separates not only everyone from YOU; but walls separate you from everyone else – which can be very counterproductive in your healing process. (Remember, separation is one of the “tools” in a “perpetrator’s toolkit”.)
The electric fence is still approachable, and discussions can be had, etc; but if they get out of line – “zap!!!” Remember, when they say you hurt their feelings, in reaction to your response, to remind them of the boundary you set up, first. No need to argue, just stick to it!!!
They’ll learn, usually the hard way, exactly what a boundary is – and they probably won’t like it. But, that’s not really your problem, now is it?
That’s usually when the “hidden agendas” appear – when they can’t get beyond your solid boundary, and try to manipulate you to get what they want – attempting to turn you back into a Victim, again. #nopenopenope
Can you think of any examples, over your lifetime, or even currently, where you allowed your boundaries to get mowed down?
Thank you, have a good day, and be safe…
#oneinfour #ithappenstomentoo #dviseverywhere #domesticviolence
*October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this post, no matter what month it is, to help get the word out. The Victim has to make the choice – but, “What If…” they read something you sent them, and it just “clicks”?
*I share a “What If…” post, on the first post of every month, and I would love the opportunity to share YOUR “what ifs”. Please send your “What If…” ideas to Connie J… –; or through Ozer, at the website, or email, Paragraph
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